Monday 1 June 2009

Twisted Wheel getting hot & sweaty @ York Fibbers 28/05/09 (by Jane)

York, by far, has won the most beautiful and busiest town award of the tour! A pleasant afternoon was spent strolling the streets of the city window shopping and buying milkshakes before all the mayhem of the evening. This was Detroit Social Club's last support slot on the tour, but we all gave them a very boozy and fond farewell after the gig and all hope our paths will cross again real soon. Fibbers is a fantastic little venue, but if you're a tall person in a band - please beware of the beam at the front of the stage..... It began to fill to bursting point very quickly indeed, and even before Twisted Wheel made it on stage, it was absolutely roasting hot. The crowd sensing that the gig was going to be of epic proportions were up for one hell of a night, chanting WHHHEEELLLL way before they were due on, hence adding to the exciting atmosphere. The music on the sound system was by far the best of the tour, we were treated to The Jam, and inparticular, 'Butterfly Collector' was played just before the lads came on stage (which I thought was extremely apt). The audience rose to the occassion as the three lads stepped onto the stage and straight into 'Lucy The Castle' with everyone singing along, even Jonny didnt need to sing at all at a few points as the audience took over....Sweat was dripping off everyone as the lads continued through their blistering set, Ive never ever experienced such down right boiling heat at a gig, how the lads kept playing I will never know, it really took all their energy (and us in the audience) to keep going. (ALL PIX & TXT BY A VERY TIRED JANE..!!) Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

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