Monday 1 June 2009

Twisted Wheel Carlisle Brickyard 27/05/09 gig review (by Jane)

Carlisle, being a small quiet town (and 8 hours travelling for me) didnt quite know what had hit them when Twisted Wheel rolled into town. Due to the unfortunate event of a certain football match being played, there wasnt quite a full crowd. However, the fans giving it large down the front made up for this, inparticular, a group of young lads who later told Twisted Wheel that they had been so influenced by them, that they formed their own band. This made the Wheel's night, being told that they've helped changed someone's life to that extent, was without doubt one of the most moving moments of the tour. The other high light of Carlisle was the bonus of the most opulent dressing room of the whole tour.... (all pix & txt by Jane) Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

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