Gabby Logan - ' Half the fun of Glastonbury is the new bands and the John Peel Stage, named after the pioneer of new music is one of the best places to find new music. Twisted Wheel will be on that stage in an hour and a half, if you're not quite awake yet, this will sort you out.' 'You Stole The Sun' 'I gather thats a demo?' Jonny Brown - 'Thats a demo of when we first started, all those years ago.' GL - 'Two years ago youve been going, 2007 is when you started, now in 2009 you are playing the John Peel Stage, how does that feel?' JB - 'Amazing, we're big fans of the late John Peel its a bit surreal tho to be up on that stage' GL - 'Youve been coming to watch Glastonbury as fans havent you so it must seem a bit surreal. And you've not got any butterflies, you're pretty calm, not nervous at all, is that because you've been gigging non stop?' JB -'Yeah, we've been gigging non stop, supported Paul Weller last night, and before we go on, we get that kinda rush of energy' GL - How many hours sleep did you get last night?' JB - 'Four hours sleep' GL - 'That was in Reading last night wasnt it?' JB - 'Nah, it was York, we stayed overnight in Reading' GL - 'So you were in a forest somewhere?' AC - 'We've been supporting Paul Weller on his Forest Tour up and down the country' GL - 'I secretly love Paul Weller so much, I would secretly love to leave my husband - no I wouldnt, not really, Is he as lovely and charasmatic? He really does got better and better on stage, is he supportive of you?' TW - 'Yeah, Yeah, definately' GL - 'And Noel Galagher is a big fan too' TW - 'Yeah' GL - 'You've got some big big supporters.... Who writes the songs?' JB - 'I write the tunes, give it to the band, jamm on it and they become the Wheel songs' GL - 'Twisted Wheel was a club right?' AC - 'Originally an R & B club' JB - 'Then a Soul club in the 70s' GL - 'A bit before your time, how did you come familiar with the name?' JB - 'We needed a name and looked on the internet. We had loads of names on this list and just came out with it. GL - 'What names did you reject?' JB - 'We've been asked that before and I honestly can't remember, but, I remember my Uncle once phoning me up saying Pima Pukes for a name!' GL - 'You're from Manchester' TW - 'Oldham!' GL - 'You could have been the Oldham Elms or something, I like Twisted Wheel tho, sounds a vintage name' JB - 'Its a big sounding name' GL - 'Glastonbury is a big, big place, that propells bands to a different stratosphere, is that what you've got planned?' AC - 'Hopefully' ......To be continued...... ** GL = Gabby Logan, JB = Jonny Brown, AC = Adam Clarke, RL = Rick Lees
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