A tiny little stage, at the back of the tent (complete with crowd barrier).. The audience were in for a huge treat.
A tiny little stage, at the back of the tent (complete with crowd barrier).. The audience were in for a huge treat.
Gabby Logan - ' Half the fun of Glastonbury is the new bands and the John Peel Stage, named after the pioneer of new music is one of the best places to find new music. Twisted Wheel will be on that stage in an hour and a half, if you're not quite awake yet, this will sort you out.' 'You Stole The Sun' 'I gather thats a demo?' Jonny Brown - 'Thats a demo of when we first started, all those years ago.' GL - 'Two years ago youve been going, 2007 is when you started, now in 2009 you are playing the John Peel Stage, how does that feel?' JB - 'Amazing, we're big fans of the late John Peel its a bit surreal tho to be up on that stage' GL - 'Youve been coming to watch Glastonbury as fans havent you so it must seem a bit surreal. And you've not got any butterflies, you're pretty calm, not nervous at all, is that because you've been gigging non stop?' JB -'Yeah, we've been gigging non stop, supported Paul Weller last night, and before we go on, we get that kinda rush of energy' GL - How many hours sleep did you get last night?' JB - 'Four hours sleep' GL - 'That was in Reading last night wasnt it?' JB - 'Nah, it was York, we stayed overnight in Reading' GL - 'So you were in a forest somewhere?' AC - 'We've been supporting Paul Weller on his Forest Tour up and down the country' GL - 'I secretly love Paul Weller so much, I would secretly love to leave my husband - no I wouldnt, not really, Is he as lovely and charasmatic? He really does got better and better on stage, is he supportive of you?' TW - 'Yeah, Yeah, definately' GL - 'And Noel Galagher is a big fan too' TW - 'Yeah' GL - 'You've got some big big supporters.... Who writes the songs?' JB - 'I write the tunes, give it to the band, jamm on it and they become the Wheel songs' GL - 'Twisted Wheel was a club right?' AC - 'Originally an R & B club' JB - 'Then a Soul club in the 70s' GL - 'A bit before your time, how did you come familiar with the name?' JB - 'We needed a name and looked on the internet. We had loads of names on this list and just came out with it. GL - 'What names did you reject?' JB - 'We've been asked that before and I honestly can't remember, but, I remember my Uncle once phoning me up saying Pima Pukes for a name!' GL - 'You're from Manchester' TW - 'Oldham!' GL - 'You could have been the Oldham Elms or something, I like Twisted Wheel tho, sounds a vintage name' JB - 'Its a big sounding name' GL - 'Glastonbury is a big, big place, that propells bands to a different stratosphere, is that what you've got planned?' AC - 'Hopefully' ......To be continued...... ** GL = Gabby Logan, JB = Jonny Brown, AC = Adam Clarke, RL = Rick Lees
Twisted Wheel storm into the brilliant 'Lucy The Castle' and the crowd errupt by singing along. The excellent 'Bad Candy' is up next, even parts of the audience that dont know the song can be seen moving to the beat. Every song is given the total energy treatment that is Twisted Wheel's trademark. Slowing things down for 'Strife' the crowd sing at the tops of their voices. One of their news songs is up next, 'Turn Around' which is magnificent, the audience can sense this is a mega song in the making, especially with the well crafted guitar solo that takes many of them by surprise, they give a rapturous response to it. The crowd are on a high, with echoes of 'WWHHEEELLL' in between each song, reminding everyone who didnt know, exactly who they are. 'You Stole The Sun' heralds much mayhem in the crowd, as does the brilliant 'Oh What Have You Done' & 'We Are Us' with many crowd surfers going over the top of the barriers.
The audience witnessed a fantastic, blistering set, and surely, next year, Twisted Wheel should move up the billing, if not the main Pyramid stage, then at least the Other stage, cos these lads are here to stay and they KNOW how to rock it out big time.
Twisted Wheel were literally steaming tonight (as were the audience). But, by heck there were broken strings (two - quite how Jonny manages to keep going with no one having the faintest idea anything has happened is anyones guess, nothing phases him, a sign of a true professional musician, including during the set, the intermittant guitar sound, due to a faulty guitar knob, obviously frustrated Jonny, but he is a master carftsman and knew just how to deal with the problem with the total ease of his expertise, he is totally unflappable!!)
They wasted no time in getting the audience warmed up for Weller. With Jonny's occasional plug to go & buy the album on the merchandise stand, and the comments on the weather. Once again 'Turn Around' went down extremely well with the audience, it got the best round of applause tonight, even surpassing 'You Stole The Sun'. With the crowd's reaction, I am sure, Twisted Wheel are well on the way to making it big time.
(all pix & txt by Jane)
watch this space!!
VF: What are you festival essentials and your festival tips? JB: “Don’t camp in a ditch. I camped in a ditch at Glastonbury and my tent was bog-washed it was actually underwater. Don’t camp in a ditch, especially at Glastonbury. Make sure you take your wellies and that’s it man – have a good time!” VF: Who has been the best festival performance that you’ve seen over the last ten years? JB: “For me, not last year but the year before, was The White Stripes at Glastonbury. That was a legendary performance. I had no shoes on at the time, I’d lost my shoes when I’d lost my tent, so I was in a bad mood and they really livened me up. Primal Scream, they’re a great band to see at a festival, especially at night. The Prodigy – they’re an essential at a festival. I’ve seen them twice, once at Leeds and once at V Festival. They’re outstanding, just what you want at the end of the night.” VF: What about the biggest disappointment at a festival? JB: [Turns to his band mates] “’Have any of you seen a shit gig at a festival?’ Our drummer can’t even remember being at a festival. I saw a band called The Others once at Glastonbury - that was pretty appalling. I don’t watch things that I don’t like anyway. I’ve come across a few things at Glastonbury that I’ve never even expected to enjoy, like world music and stuff so I’ve not really had any negative experiences to be honest.” VF: What’s the strangest thing that’s happened to you at a festival? JB: “On the last night at Glastonbury a few years back, me and a mate got in a bin bag together, stood up – I don’t know why, we were off our heads or something – and we were spinning around and we stumbled down this dirt track and came out of the bag like monsters. We came out right next to this really big pirate ship, I don’t know where the fuck it was, but it was a really fucking big pirate ship made out of wood and there were loads of people dressed up as pirates on it. They were like, ‘ahoy, get on board,’ and we got given a bit of roll play, my mate was a ghost and I was the entertainer. We just talked bollocks on this ship like sailors from about three hours – that was pretty funny.” VF: Who should we be looking out for in the coming year? JB: “I don’t know if The Kills are playing, but I love them and I’d like to go and see them. And Kid British, check them out.”
Twisted Wheel came on stage to a warm welcome from the Gloucestershire crowd and stormed into 'Lucy The Castle'. The audience were taken aback by their energy, you could tell as there seemed to be a huge 'gasp' from the crowd with people actually saying 'wow'..!!!..
It was a slightly different set to last night, and Jonny singing different words to 'Turn Around' (I swear he does this to keep us on our toes, and yes, we do notice but continue to sing the usual words!!), the audience really loved the song, giving it the biggest cheer of the night - I suspect its the magnificent guitar solo that gets them going, it also seems to be the big 'must' for a single as if it could get enough airplay it would surely be the breaking record for the band (big time) - lets keep our fingers crossed. The crowd's second favourtie, 'You Stole The Sun' always goes down well and tonight was no exception. All too soon, we were singing along to 'We Are Us' and the end of a brilliant blistering set.
The Weller fans were truely happy, they'd seen the band that reminded them of when the great man himself was young, I heard many of them saying how great Twisted Wheel were (would be a bigger help if they were allowed to put up their huge Twisted Wheel banner tho) and that they were glad that guitar music was still going strong..!!
Me Too......
(Pix & Txt by Jane unless otherwise stated) xx
(pix of Rick & Adam with kind permission from Steve Cresswell)
The actual Arboretum: (c/o The National Trust)
...getting ever closer to Glastonbury now......!!!!!.. bring it on..!!!!
((As Im a proud owner of a Lambretta GP 175 (and vintage Vespa SS 180) I can never just walk on by a scooter, especially this one I found (hope he knew his tool box was opened).. this was stood in the forest, complete with Paul Weller's signature - how cool is that!!!.. A superbly restored Lambretta SX 200 - totally mint... (reminded me of the 'mirrored' TV I found in the car park at the Silverstone gig - but this SX was totally awsome)....
When I get the new Lambretta, I will have to get Twisted Wheel to sign it............... ))
Pictures from the beautiful 'Theatre Antique de Vienne' near Lyon in France, supporting Oasis 14/06/09.
These pictures were taken by Mark Bennett - who has kindly given me permission
The lads played a rip roaring set, including all their classics with the most ironic of the night 'You Stole The Sun' - it poured down with rain!
Thanks very much Mark , very much appreciated
With the usual mix of classics from the 60s/70s/80s they got everyone dancing, with note, whilst playing The Specials - Kid British made their entrance as if on queue!! I swear they must have heard it down the street and hot footed it into the club.. An amazing night as you might expect from Rick and Jonny - may you do many more lads!! xx
Twisted Wheel's set list : 'Lucy The Castle' 'Bad Candy' 'Shes A Weapon' 'Strife' 'Let them Have it All' (dedicated to RAC) 'Turn Around' 'Oh What Have You Done' 'We Are Us'
The lads did a storming set that really got the huge crowd buzzing. I was amazed at how many people had never heard of Twisted Wheel - but thats history now, everyone of the 70,000 people present went home KNOWING who they are - their album sold out on the merchandise stall!!!... With a performance as special as this one, no one in Manchester will ever forget them
'Saddleworth indie rockers Twisted Wheel kicked things off with a stunning performance that bodes well for their future. Clearly not fazed by the huge audience they rattled through the trademark rip roaring anthems of their debut album.'
pics by Shirlaine Forres
More photos available :- http://www.gigwise.com/article.php?id=51140&image=2#galleryxx
'Shes A Weapon' 7" was released 21 April 2008,
'You stole The Sun' EP & CD (brilliant tune) was released 28 July 2008,
Their debut album Twisted Wheel' released on 13 April 2009
Whitehaven Big Boof Festival 26/09/09
Jersey Live Festival 05/09/09
The Monarch, Camden 03/09/09
Rho Milano Urban Festival 30/08/09
Kendal Calling 01/08/09
26/08/09 Fuji Rock Festival, Japan
iTunes Festival, Camden, 22/07/09
@ Manchester City Stadium 17/07/09