Twisted Wheel and The Brumby - made for each other...
Last Friday night was one of surrealness in Scunthorpe, with one of the country's top up and coming indie bands, Twisted Wheel, rolling into town to play at The Brumby. The level of expectation was such, that the place was almost packed to the rafters for support band The Dropdeads as they tore through, what was, a tight, edgy and energetic set. Leadsinger, Dan Imal, certainly looks and sounds like he knows whatis required of a front man. They certainly set the benchmark high for Twisted Wheel. There are greater things ahead for these boys...
Then, 30 cigarette and alcohol filled minutes later, Twisted Wheel took to the stage in their accustomed unassuming style - these young men are young men of the people - no heirs and graces here. After not long onstage though Lead singer, Jonny Brown, became the exemplary showman.Twisted Wheel certainly knew what the crowd wanted and delivered. They were value for money. With sweat dripping from his face Jonny Brown rocked and rolled through the Twisted Wheel set at about a million miles an hour.
Wheel favourites such as 'Lucy The Castle' and 'You Stole the Sun' were belted out with complete disregard for the fans sweat levels. Jonny Browns fragileness was nicely counterbalanced by the re-assuring sight of cool calm and collected bass player, Rick Lees and level headed sticks man, Adam Clarke.

There are comparisons to be made here, tonight - with another British power pop trio 30 years earlier - I think you will all know who I mean! That's the level of intensity that Jonny Brown showed - maybe he will take the mantle of 'Modfather' in 30 years time.
Comparisons with bands of the late seventies / early eighties, that went on to become an integral part of British folklore, can't be ignored if the Twisted Wheel fans at this gig were anything to go by - all were here tonight. 20 year old first time rounders mixing comfortably with 50 year old third time rounders. That's the appeal of this band - they appeal to so many. They take the 90's Manchester sound on a notch while all the time giving anod and a wink to the punk/new wave sound of the late seventies.

If Twisted Wheel carry on working as hard and as clever as they are, it won't be long before they become part of the British psyche - and join the list of those hallowed bands who, wherever they are in the world,will always carry a piece of Britain with them.
And Scunthorpe Wheel fans were certainly lucky on Friday, as lead singer Jonny Brown was struck down with a throat infection the next day - leading to the cancellation of their Saturday night gig in Swindon.
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