Thursday, 25 March 2010

Music Cafe, Leicester 20/03/2010 gig review by

With the recent closing of legendary venue “The Charlotte”, Leicester’s appeal as a stop-off on bands’ traditional tour circuit, if it wasn’t terrible before, is in danger of waning entirely. So it comes as a pleasant surprise then to see established acts such as Oldham trio Twisted Wheel (fresh from a whirl-wind 12 months that’s seen them supporting the likes of Oasis and Weller) choosing to play “The Music Café”.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

GYH Promotions gig review of Twisted Wheel @ The Brumby, Scunthorpe, 12/03/2010

Twisted Wheel and The Brumby - made for each other...

Last Friday night was one of surrealness in Scunthorpe, with one of the country's top up and coming indie bands, Twisted Wheel, rolling into town to play at The Brumby. The level of expectation was such, that the place was almost packed to the rafters for support band The Dropdeads as they tore through, what was, a tight, edgy and energetic set. Leadsinger, Dan Imal, certainly looks and sounds like he knows whatis required of a front man. They certainly set the benchmark high for Twisted Wheel. There are greater things ahead for these boys...

Then, 30 cigarette and alcohol filled minutes later, Twisted Wheel took to the stage in their accustomed unassuming style - these young men are young men of the people - no heirs and graces here. After not long onstage though Lead singer, Jonny Brown, became the exemplary showman.Twisted Wheel certainly knew what the crowd wanted and delivered. They were value for money. With sweat dripping from his face Jonny Brown rocked and rolled through the Twisted Wheel set at about a million miles an hour.

Thursday, 11 March 2010 review of FAC251, The Factory gig 26/02/2010

Tonight, was all about Twisted Wheel. Playing the gig they were made for, they were on fire; a Manchester band, playing in a venue that is a tribute to the greatest Manchester label ever, full to bursting of mancunians all ready to party.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Joe Division review of Twisted Whee'sl gig @ Indiependence, Wigan 05/03/2010

Twisted Wheel - Wigan Indiependance Nightclub, 05/03/2010
 It was inevitable that I would succumb to writing a second
instalment of Twisted Wheel’s sell out tour, Wigan was tonight
home to Oldham’s desirable, dirty rock and rollers. The Wheel
have been enriching towns and cities across the country with
their urbane, carefree, rock and roll persona. They already have
a strong back catalogue of impressive tracks that cut enough
swagger to put any generic, dull, lifeless chart-topper firmly
 in the corner, wallowing in their own self indulgence.
 As a band, including management and security, they go about
 things in a very respectable way. Their feet remain firmly on the
 ground, yet their enthusiasm, drive and ambition is certainly
 The Indiependance Nightclub genuinely has a lot to offer, the performing area itself has an eerie, vintage feel to it and creates a decent atmosphere. I wandered about a bit, gaining a feel for the venue and the Wiganers that had turned out for the gig. There was a good bunch of people there, all of which had plenty to say about the increasingly popular band.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Twisted Wheel @ The Tivoli, Buckley 06/03/2010

Twisted Wheel hit the small town of Buckley, bringing the next installment of their rock n roll mayhem to the historic Tivoli. Previous bands that have played at the Tiv are Motorhead, Guns n Roses (yes really!!) and the mighty Oasis. Buckley hasn't had such excitement for a long time, so with the Wheel playing, the whole town turned up to witness another epic set by the lads.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Twisted Wheel @ Indiependence Nightclub, Wigan 05/03/2010

Another sell out date on the Twisted Wheel tour... with virtually the whole of Wigan turning out to watch the lads, special note here for future reference to anyone thinking they're just a beer swilling lads band - think again - well over half tonight's audience were female - you rock girls!!!

Twisted Wheel to play Dot-to-Dot Festival 2010 Bristol, Nottingham, Manchester

Twisted Wheel are to play the Dot-to-Dot Festival 2010
29/30/31 May 2010
Buy tickets HERE

Friday, 5 March 2010

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Twisted Wheel @ Off Shore, Newcastle 03/03/2010

Viva Leeds Magazine March issue: Twisted Wheel Smash It Up in Leeds

What to say about Twisted Wheel? For a relatively discrete bunch, you know that when a band has its own chant, things are going to be, well...impassioned. Needless to say when a large contingent of die hard fans arrive in previously purchase merchandise, shouts of 'Wheeel, Whheeell' are soon reverberating round the pint glasses now littering the floor of the Brudenell Social Club.

Monday, 1 March 2010

City gig review FAC251 - The Factory 26/02/2010

Derided and doted on in equal measure, Twisted Wheel are perhaps the most divisive Greater Manchester band for some time.

The Oldham three piece’s eponymous debut garnered a mixed reception, but they will hardly care when the disciples turn up in such raucous fashion as they did at the newly opened Fac251.

Twisted Wheel @ The Kasbah, Coventry 27/02/2010

Manchester Music gig review of FAC251 - The Factory 26/02/2010

Having been amongst the last people to attend the Hacienda, I now find myself as one of the last MM reviewers to actuallyget into Fac251 (or The Factory). It’s a venue that’s causeda lot of debate, largely by its name, but the one thing that immediately appealed to me is that the live area is invitinglycompact and intimate. A later exploration of the venue revealsa couple of other floors aimed at the clubbers; The Factory represents the new generation of live venues that mix separatefunctions within one roof. It’s working too, as on a rather restrained Mancunian Friday, Charles Street ends up with a queue of almost 100 people begging to get in.

Inside it’s a sell out and suitably rammed.