First up, 'Shes A Weapon', whereupon the crowd went mental, dancing and singing, this was gonna be something special..... Set List 'Shes A Weapon' 'We Are Us' 'Bang of The Beat' 'Let Them Have It All' 'Racket' 'Smash it Up' 'Bad Candy' 'Strife' 'Bouncing Bomb' (with special guest Danny Mahon) 'Big Issue' 'One Night on the Street' 'You Stole The Sun' 'Oh What Have You Done' encoure 'Lucy The Castle'
Yes, Indeed, Jonny's acoustic set was something special. It didnt matter to the audience it was just Jonny and his guitar, to them, it was another brilliant Twisted Wheel gig, with crowd surfers and the odd beer flying now n' then. The great Danny Mahon joined Jonny on stage for 'Bouncing Bomb' which went down a storm. The bouncers really had to struggle to keep the crowd in check.
The 45 minute set came to an end, with an unexpected encoure of 'Lucy The Castle', Jonny obviously enjoyed himself, just as much as everyone else in the crowd. An awsome night of classic hits, proving once again, the front man of the Wheel is not to be missed.
Your next chance to see Jonny play his acoustic set will be at the Movers and Shakers festival, at the Jamm, Brixton, on Saturday 15th August, last few tickets are available using the link below
you will also get to see Danny Mahon, Jersey Budd, amongst others
be there, or be square
(for more information on Danny Mahon:
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